Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random Thoughts that keep popping into my head..

Hey y'all! It's been quite some time since i've posted. I guess you're all just dying to know how my life's going, (ha, ha ha.) so I'll fill you in on the really exciting things that have been happening lately.

Pretty much, nothing.

Except for the fact that I've started high school.. and all the stuff that comes with THAT package. Blah. Just kidding. it's actually been a lot of fun.

Right now, it's early Sunday evening and I'm lounging around, songwriting, Journaling, and taking notes on Robert Frost's poetry and prose. A lot of his stuff is, to be frank, boring - the guy doesn't seem to have a hugely complex vocabulary or anything. I bet he didn't do so well in English. Also, a lot of his work seems to concern things that would normally play some type of minor role in most peoples' lives but are never fully brought to attention of any sort. I think it's interesting - I once read that his goal was to find things that people would never have found any inspiration in, and to make poetry - all sorts of poetry - out of it.. to find inspiration in the insignificant parts of life. I think it's kind of neat in a way.

I was highlighting excerpts from his various journals and notebooks when I stumbled upon this poem I found particularly intriguing. I even googled it and found a digital version so you good souls who read my blog every couple months can enjoy it as well (and try to figure out what i see in it) - read on.

V. The Impulse

It was too lonely for her there,
And too wild,
And since there were but two of them,
And no child,

And work was little in the house,
She was free,
And followed where he furrowed field,
Or felled tree.

She rested on a log and tossed
The fresh chips,
With a song only to herself
On her lips.

And once she went to break a bough
Of black alder.
She strayed so far she scarcely heard
When he called her--

And didn't answer--didn't speak--
Or return.
She stood, and then she ran and hid
In the fern.

He never found her, though he looked
And he asked at her mother's house
Was she there.

Sudden and swift and light as that
The ties gave,
And he learned of finalities
Besides the grave.

And now I'm reflecting on that, and pondering all the meanings that it could have. I'd like extra insight on it though. Any ideas/ interps on this, I'd be glad to explore them. Leave comments.

For you avid fans of my SO effort as well, I can't report much in this area. Progress is not applicable. Wait a few weeks, and I might have something then.

Over the weekend I was asked by my dear friend what I like about him, because he's "a dork". My reply was something along the lines of "i have no idea - a mysterious appeal, no doubt." That induced laughter and an agreement.. "Mysterious, all right." Maybe it's true. Oh, well. At least I've not been accused of being reasonably sane.

I happened upon an interesting quote the other day:

"Sometimes the only way to get respect is to demand it."

A little bit of food for thought, that. I guess it makes a lot more sense when you think about all those people who get so frustrated or depressed because they can't claim any respect for themselves.